How can I find agency recruiters that specialize is a specific industry?
How can I find agency recruiters that specialize is a specific industry?
The RecruitAlliance network not only helps you work with agency recruiters with which you already have a relationship, but it also helps you build relationships with new recruiters as well.
There are two ways of trying to locate agency recruiters that can help you in a particular industry:
BY KEYWORD [recommended]
- Once logged into your account, click on the Vendors tab, then on Browse Vendors
- A pop-up window should appear with several expandable sections. Click on By Keywords
- Enter a single keyword, then click Search Now at the bottom of the pop-up
- Review the results. Click on the recruiter's name to see more info and click on the About The Company tab to see more info about the company.
- If you find some agencies that may be able to help you, add them to existing or new Vendor Groups.
TIP: Try several versions or synonyms of a keyword. Always cast a wide net.
- Once logged into your account, click on the Vendors tab, then click on Browse Vendors
- A pop-up window should appear with several expandable sections. Click on By Industry Classification
- Check one industry at a time, then click Search Now to review the results.
- Click on the recruiter's name to see more info and click on the About The Company tab to see more info about the company.
- If you find some agencies that may be able to help you, add them to existing or new Vendor Groups.
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