Send Email Alert To Vendors
How can I effectively communicate with recruiters working on a job order?
One of the biggest challenge for employers and recruiters is effective and timely communication. Done well, it can help manage expectations and reduce your workload because you spend less time reacting to requests for follow-up and more time on the tasks that matter most. It also reduces frustrations that ultimately lead to unproductive partnerships and missing out on the best candidates.
The Send Email Alert To Vendors tool is an easy way to communicate with select vendors working on a job without disclosing your contact information, reducing the likelihood of unwelcome replies and future unwanted emails.
**Use the tool to communicate if there has been a delay in getting feedback from the Hiring Manager, or to let recruiters know if there has been a change in the urgency of the role.
To use the tool, locate the job and look for the envelope symbol in the Options column to the right.

The resulting pop-up allows you to select groups of recruiters based on the status of their candidates.