Knowledge Base Categories

  • 2912
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How to submit a candidate referral to a job

To submit a candidate referral to a job for consideration: Log into your RecruitAlliance account. Click on the Find Jobs tab, and select Job Search. Use the different filters available to find the job of your choice, then click Search Now. On the Job Search Results page, locate the job you want to work on, then click on the View Detail button to see the details of the job, including the [...]

  • 11282
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What is RecruitAlliance? How does it work?

RecruitAlliance is a global recruiting vendor management marketplace that simplifies Employer to Agency Recruiter and Agency Recruiter to Agency Recruiter collaboration, either on a small, medium, or enterprise level. For Agency Recruiters/Vendors: Register for an account as a vendor to access jobs posted by Employers. As an Agency Recruiter, you also gain access to our robust split [...]

  • 13688
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What is Managed Billing?

No matter where an employer, agency recruiter, or job order is located, RecruitAlliance’s Managed Billing simplifies the onboarding of agency recruiters, processing POs when required, invoicing, currency conversion, payments, and collections.Now more than ever, employers and agency recruiters are thinking bigger and operating more globally, and they need tools that help them accomplish their [...]

  • 9805
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What is SplitAlliance?

SplitAlliance, part of the RecruitAlliance network, is a powerful split networking resource you can access through your RecruitAlliance account. An account allows you to post an unlimited number of split fee jobs (that you have independently sourced from your employer clients) and gain access to our network of prescreened 3rd party recruiters. Your job openings appear next to RecruitAlliance [...]

  • 11183
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Managing Agency Recruiter Access

RecruitAlliance gives you complete control over job order distribution. If you want to control who has access to your job order, while posting your job (How to post a Job Order), you have a few options: Invitation Only - Allows immediate access for those invited to work on the job order. Agency recruiters without an invitation can review the job order and request an invitation. Invitation [...]

  • 7995
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How can I obtain more information when my candidate is rejected?

When you receive a rejection notice from the client, it should contain information on why they decided not to move forward. Some common reasons for rejection include: The candidate was sourced internally Currently have more qualified candidates Candidate does not have enough experience managing direct reports (example) Candidate's salary requirements exceed the salary range listed on the job [...]

  • 9276
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Why would an Agency Recruiter want to join RecruitAlliance?

RecruitAlliance provides new opportunities for agency recruiters to more effectively: Utilize their existing database of candidates Generate new business, without having to make hundreds of ‘cold calls’ Eliminate the need to negotiate contracts and fees Leverage the power of networking within RA and post excess job orders as split fee jobs our split network: SplitAlliance Continue and grow [...]

  • 9035
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How do I become a clients’ Preferred Vendor?

Every internal recruiter that works on a client's behalf has the ability to create and maintain their own Preferred Vendor lists within their RA account. To make it easy to for them to invite you to their most exclusive job orders or to build a new relationship, make sure you: Create your own RA account. This is the only way you can be directly invited to job orders or work on job orders that [...]