How Do I Identify Duplicate Candidates on RecruitAlliance?
In the realm of recruitment, ensuring data accuracy is paramount. Although RecruitAlliance equips agency recruiters with tools to identify potential duplicate candidates, occasional overlaps might still occur. When such instances arise, your account will promptly alert you with a red blinking question mark adjacent to the candidate's name. Clicking on this icon reveals crucial details: [...]
How can I improve the quality of the candidates being submitted to my job?
A detailed and accurate job description is the cornerstone for a well written requisition. The more specific the information the more on-target the candidates are likely to be. RecruitAlliance job order forms also include up to 5 Must Have fields. These are objective and definitive requirements that are absolutely essential if the candidate is to be considered qualified. In order for a candidate [...]
How do I add RA to my Whitelist?
Here are whitelisting instructions for some of the major email service providers. AOL To add to your AOL address book: Open an email from us and then click the ‘This Is Not Spam’ button Click the Mail menu and select Address Book Wait for the Address Book window to pop up, then click the ‘Add’ button Wait for the Address Card for [...]
The job is not accepting referrals. What does this mean?
A client will mark their job as Not Accepting Referrals when the job is on hold. This is usually temporary and is often used because they need more time to review the candidates that have already been submitted. You will be notified is a job is changed to Not Accepting Referrals if it is either in your Briefcase or you have submitted [...]
My candidate's status is No Further Action [NFA]. What does this mean?
When a candidate's status is changed to No Further Action or NFA, it indicates that a candidate was initially Accepted, however the employer is no longer considering the candidate referral. Once a candidate is Accepted, they cannot be Rejected. Their status can only be changed to NFA if no longer being considered. Often, the employer will provide additional information regarding the decision. An [...]