How do I hire a candidate in RecruitAlliance
To Hire a candidate, the candidate must be Accepted. Changing the candidate's status is most often accomplished from the Candidate > Details page. To do this: Click on the Candidate Pipeline tab Use the filters in the gray filter area to find the candidate (NOTE: the drop-down menu to the far right defaults to Job Status: Open. If the job to which the candidate was referred is not open, you [...]
How do I document a candidate that resigns or is fired?
If a candidate resigns or is fired prior to the expiration of the Guarantee Period listed in the job dscription, then you need to update the candidates status in RecruitAlliance. To update the candidate status: Once you have logged into your account, click on the Candidate Pipeline tab Look for the candidates name or use the options in the Filter By row to narrow down the results (Note: the [...]
How do I share the responsibility of managing a job order with others in my organization?
Sometimes it is necessary to manage a job with someone else within your company. It is an excellent way to share the responsibility of reviewing candidates and easily share information. To add an Internal Recruiter to a job order that you are managing, log in to your account and click on the Jobs tab. One the following page, click on the Edit icon found in the Options column. On the Edit Job [...]
How do I confirm the hire details of a candidate that has been hired?
Some job orders require you to confirm the hire details before payment of a recruiting fee can be approved. This step ensures no errors were made when documenting the hire. Agency recruiters can confirm the hire details in several ways: Review the Hire Notice email On the date that the employer documents a hire in RecruitAlliance, the agency recruiter is sent a hire notice via email. The hire [...]
What is the process to update my vendor setup/remit-to address?" target="_blank Managed Billing lets you control how and where you prefer to receive payment. This is your Vendor Setup. When a candidate is hired for a job that uses Managed Billing, you will receive a hire notice email on the day that your candidate's status changes in RecruitAlliance from Accepted to Hired. You must enter your [...]